Crossing the Midline - What is it and how can we incorporate it into Yoga?


Have you ever heard of Crossing the Midline?

If not, we are here to share how interesting this concept is and how important it is for children’s development!

Before we understand Crossing the Midline, we need to look at Bilateral Integration, which refers to the communication between the left and right hemisphere of the brain. As children age, they start developing skills that allow both sides of the body to work together in a coordinated way.

This is quite an important step if we think about how often we use both sides of the body… from star jumps and catching a ball with two hands to eating and even writing!.



Now back to Crossing the Midline! As you would guess, this refers to the ability of a child to cross the midline of the body. Therefore, to use their right hand on the left side of the body and vice versa.

Crossing the midline and bilateral Integration somewhat go hand in hand. Once a child can coordinate movements between the left and right side, they can start to cross their midline.


So how can we incorporate these skills into yoga? Here are a few examples!

Cross Marches

This is a great exercise for coordinating left and right side of the brain! Starting standing, you will bring left elbow to right knee and swap sides. This requires a lot of planning - and balance!

Dance Party!

Often when we dance, twist and move, we take our arms and legs to opposites side of the body! This is one way you can incorporate crossing of the midline!

Cross Toe Touches

This movement is great for coordination and crossing hand to opposite foot. For more of a cross, take your right hand to wards your left foot!

Bird Dog Crunches

Bird Dog on its own is a great way to coordinate left and right side as well as work on balance. To make it a bit tougher, you can bring elbow to knee to connect in the middle!

Row your Boat!

Rowing your boat is a great way to cross the midline! We love this pose for water themes, get kiddies to row their boat from side to side as they twist!

Crab Kicks

Another great pose for balance, proprioception and crossing the midline! From your reverse table / crab pose, reach right arm to left leg and switch!

Do you have any other examples of how you can icnorporate bilateral integration and crossing the midline into your classes?