7 Day Kindness Calendar FREE Download

Besides bringing a smile to someone face- kindness really has proven power. Being kind can improve your self esteem (and those around you), makes you feel good (and those around you). So we have put together a 7 day kindness challenge, you can download the calendar below and this is not just for children, this is for everyone and anyone. Kindness knows no age.

Here are 3 reasons why we love practicing kindness:

1. It starts with you: Being kind to yourself is so important- we are not always perfect, we do not always get everything right, we may not always finish first, but what we can always be kind to ourselves, pause and smile to ourselves for the effort put in or lesson learnt

 Kindness starts with YOU- being kind to YOU and building up your self esteem!

2. So contagious: Kindness is the best kind of contagious thing out there. It often creates a ripple effect, making the world a better place one kind act at a time.

3. Builds relationships: Kindness is a great way to build up a relationship, between parent and child, siblings, friends etc. We all have the connection, and kindness is one of the quickest ways to achieve it. 



and spread the kindness everywhere you go!