Why Kids Yoga?

Honestly, the reasons are plentiful. However in this blog we will highlight a few that you may or may not be aware of-  but firstly; YOGA is for anybody and ANY BODY.

You can do Kids Yoga anywhere; no fancy equipment needed.

Yoga requires nothing other than a mat and honestly even that is not absolutely necessary. You can do yoga anywhere no fancy equipment or room is needed for you or your little one to practice yoga. You can practice at home, on holiday, at school, in the office, in a studio, in a gym or even outdoors to name a few spaces, your options are limitless. Being accessible makes yoga an even more attractive tool to make sure our children have in their toolbox for life. All that is required is you your body and your breath.

Yoga is non-competitive

It is not about how bendy you are or are not. It really is about just making time to move and breathe in YOUR BODY, whatever body you have. There is no room to compare in yoga and isn’t that like music to your ears after living in a world that is always concerned about what the person in front, behind or beside you is doing. Yoga creates a safe space for children to be children, it creates a safe space for them to explore their breath, their body and it gives me safe space to just be without grading them or being told they are better or worse than the others in the class.

Yoga teaches us about our breath

When was the last time you intentionally took a deep breath to just ground, to pause before you reacted. Yoga is a phenomenal tool to get into the toolbox from a young age as life lessons start right away.  Yoga makes that mind body connection really tangible and apparent and helps with self-regulation and awareness. Yoga in its nature promotes kindness, and that starts with kindness to ourselves which then can ooze out to the world around us.

Like we said we would give you a few reasons as to why Kids Yoga, these by no means the only reasons.



Tarryn Thomson