How to Ground Yourself as a Kids Yoga Teacher

We get it… sometimes life is hectic. You’ve had a rough day, you got cut off in traffic and now you have to walk into a kids yoga class and hold space. It happens to us all and it can be very difficult to ground yourself before teaching a class.

Children can so easily pick up on our energy and it’s important for us as teachers to practice what we teach: grounding. That means something different for all of us, but ultimately, it’s a way of bringing you back into the moment so that you can be present and mindful with your kiddies.

Here are a few of our favourite ways to ground before a kiddies yoga class:

Full Body Shake Off / Dance Party

Nothing brings you back to the moment than movement! This may mean PHYSICALLY shaking it off from head to toe. Make it more fun by playing your favourite song so you can really get those good vibes coming. Maybe you even get the kids involved in the warm up to “Shake it Off!”

Placing your hands on the floor

I definitely enjoy a literal grounding moment; so when you enter your yoga space, place your hands on the floor and connect to the ground physically. Maybe this even looks like a downward dog for a few breaths. In fact, downward dog can be very grounding and calming (for some)

Taking off a cloak

Imagine all your “stuff” is a cloak. As you enter your yoga space, visualize taking off your cloak and leaving it at the door. You know it will be there when you leave the class again, but for now you place it down. . After the class, you may even find that the cloak isn’t as heavy as it seemed in the beginning!

Do you have a favourite way to ground? Let us know in the comments below!