Top 3 Tips for starting your Kids Yoga Teaching Journey!

We have been there, starting something new can be daunting, imposter syndrome may even be knocking at your door and your sense of self-worth turns its back on you. So we have put together a few tips that will help you get your ‘’aSSana’’ out the door and spread your magic to the children in your community.

Write down your why:

This was really important for me, my why to teaching kids yoga is the very thing I draw from in those blurry times. In those times I need to approach a new studio or school or speak to a group of parents and question myself. My ‘’why’’ is bigger than me, so it always shifts me into gear to do what I need to do to get the Kids Yoga community growing.

Before a class have a reset:

Life happens, we not always going to feel at our ‘’peak’’. Whether you are tired or you just had an argument with someone, we need to be able to reset. It is important because children are great energy readers. In my personal experience, if you are not fully present with them, the class literally turns on its head and if you thought you were having a bad day before the class started - there is nothing like a children’s class going bonkers to really make you feel all edges of the imposter syndrome.

A reset before you walk into class is something to just centre you. An example of one of my resets is singing and dancing to a song I am loving in that moment. Choose something that gets you out of head and into heart.

Be okay with a class that turns on its head:

This may feels like I am contradicting myself with these points…. but hear me out. There is a difference when you feel you have ‘’lost control of the class’’ because of a state of mind you were in before it began as opposed to ‘’letting your class plan or idea of the class completely go as you flow with what the children are bringing to you’’. It happens sometimes right?!

You have this whole class planned out then you have the kids in front of you and they are just not vibing it? Take their lead, trust yourself, you know how to hold space but take their lead and see where the class goes. By no means am I saying do this every single time. But it happens, and it often is the best kind of class- the one that does not go according to plan.

So to summarise, remember your why, have a reset up your sleeve for a rainy day and just have fun, there are no better teachers to teach us that last point than the children right in front of your in a class.