3 Kids Yoga Breathing techniques for Halloween!

Let’s keep breathing through the spooky season!

Here are 3 of our favourite Halloween inspired breathwork techniques:


Spiderweb Breath

For this breathing technique, it is helpful to print out a spiderweb for children to trace with their finger. It is a simple breathing game, with one finger, follow the shape of the spider web as you move your way around. Repeat this as many times as the children would like, the more the better.

Candle Breathing

Place your finger out in front of you as if its a candle. Take a deep breath in, and as you breathe out, breathe so slowly that your flame flickers but doesn’t blow out!

For older kiddies, you can bring along real candles to practice this breathing technique with!

Bumble Bee Breath

Ghost Breathing is like Bumble bee breath, for those who are familiar with it! Have the kiddies block their ears. On your exhale, make a humming sound and hear the buzzing sound in your head. Pretend this is your ghost sound as you pretend you’re flying through the room!


Which breathing activity is your favourite?