3 Fun Ways to Incorporate a Block in your Kiddies Yoga Classes

We LOVE incorporating props into our Kids Yoga classes. Not only does it provide fun sensory feedback, but it also allows kiddies to explore poses in a new and exciting way. Here are 3 of our favourite ways to incorporate a block into your class:


Give each child a block, get them to stand tall and upright, now they need to place the block on their head whilst standing tall and balance it there, this brings awareness to posture. Leading on from this, with the block on their heads, if children walk MINDFULLY, SLOWLY and CAREFULLY, the block will stay on their heads. This can be very funny, bringing laughter and awareness of one’s body into a class.


Give every child 2 blocks, and the children will need to use just these two blocks to make their way around the room. It will bring right and left brain into play here and they must use logic and creativity to get around the room only using their blocks and not touching the ground.  

3. Yogi Says

A yoga class can be catered around a yoga block. Place these yoga blocks in a circle. Get a child on each block. You can play yogi says in this circle of yoga blocks. For instance; Yogi says jump to the right, yogi says balance in tree pose, yogi says jump off the block, yogi says jump on the block and balance on one leg’’

Do you have any other fun ideas?