How to Structure a Kids Yoga Class

When we think of structure, think the simpler the better. We often over think structure so I thought I would share an idea of a structure for 30 minute yoga class


5 minutes changing state:

This sets up the tone for the class. In this time period it is about getting the children present, grounded & getting their mind body connection firing.

10 minutes warm up

Make it fun, games work wonderfully here. Be creative, step out of your role as adult and play play play the bodies awake. This is the time you will be getting the bodies ready for the 'practice' that lies ahead so be intentional. 

10 minutes Main body

So here is where your theme will guide you, whether you are following a story, creating one or working with a word, a golden thread that links each pose together can help you stay in control of the class if the children (or you) get carried away. The golden thread brings familiarity to children and can be quite comforting especially to the younger age group.

5 minutes relaxation

Children in this day and age are not encouraged to 'chill'. Their lives are jammed packed. Savasana is where they are given permission to pause which can be tough for adults never mind children. Ease them into it, do not complicate it. Make sure your relaxation is age appropriate.


Your structure is a guideline, don't be fixed on it. A class filled with children is ever changing, remain flexible but remember the essence of what you planned on delivering.

How ToTarryn Thomson